In the long tradition of posting results while still under the influence, I bring you the results of the local UCW (one of about six independent promotions that work the Minneapolis area these days) card at the Sports Garden in St Paul, MN on 23 March 1996. The card was scheduled for an 8:00 start, and guessing that it would start at 8:20 or 8:30, I showed up around 7:15. Fellow RSPW lurker Dave Hagel was already there (in full clergy garb) saving the entire second row (the front row had masking tape marked off as "reserved", though only about three people showed up to sit there). We ended up with 13 to 18 people there in our group, making this the largest RSPW outing in MidWest history. :-) We ended up marking this side of the ring as "heel territory", and had some great chants and one-liners. The cameraman/producer Al P kept pointing the camera to our section and grinning/laughing. All seats were padded, though shortly after 7:30 a guy showed up with a steel chair. so we knew there would be some action. :-) Beer was $10.00 to $14.00 a pitcher, but that didn't stop us from getting into the "spirit". After the $7.50 charge for ringside seats, anything else was small change. The scheduled matches were: Tom "Z-Man" Zenk -vs- Mr Dynamic The Punisher -vs- Tony the Annihilator Horace the Psychopath -vs- The Masked Professor Starfire Derrick Dukes -vs- The Joker Menace to Society -vs- Mystery Opponent What we ended up seeing was: Menace to Society -vs- [someone] (a six-minute match with a blade job) Started up a chant of "he's hardcore", "do the ref", etc. Derrick Dukes -vs- [some jobber from Kansas City] this lasted nine minutes; I lost my voice during this match, which is my indication that I got my money's worth from the evening. :-) The KC jobber told me to "shut up" near the end of the match, so at least I was getting recognition. I won't mention that hefty Producer Al Paybonk(sp?) told me "ya gotta be kidding" when I asked him to get into the ring (cuz he could beat both wrestlers without trying) Horace the Psychopath -vs- The Masked Professor This lasted 15 minutes and I think Horace won. I don't think I've seen Horace live since NWA Grandslam I at the Indian Center in Minneapolis about five years ago. :-) Horace won. Tony the Annihilator -vs Dr Bob A couple of the guys I was with (in the heel section, natch) knew who Dr Bob was before he was announced. In any case 'roid boy Tony won in eight minutes. Since neither the main eventer Tom Zenk nor the Promoter (I was getting ready to yell "I respect you booker man") The Punisher bothered to show up, the last match was: Mr Dynamic -vs Horace the Psychopath Horace did a nice blade job about 10-15 feet in front of us, and the guy can't be making a decent living wrestling two matches and cutting into his forehead in front of a hundred people, but I respect the guy. Lord knows I wouldn't shave *my* head to wrestle for some rinky-dink promotion for five years. I got my drunken ass on camera more times than I should have with Al Paybonk, Mick Karsh, and Stan "Krusher" Kowalski. There was some old ring-rat-wannabe in a leather skirt walking around ringside snapping pictures the entire night; the only thing worth looking at was the waitress though--with six or eight independent promotions working the Twin Cities area, you'd think they could get at least *one* female valet in there. ;-) Stan "Krusher" Kowalski was pacing around ringside, but wasn't involved in any of the matches. I've heard conflicting reports about who the promoter is: him or The Punisher. Kowalski (who has held 19 major titles) was nominated, then selected to carry the olympic torch through Minneapolis on June 1&2. He retired from wrestling 20 years ago, so I don't know if he can still run the kilometer. All in all, even though it didn't have The Punisher or Z-Man (I really felt like yelling shit at him) or Lenny Lane or the Kamikaze Kid, I think I got my ($7.50 ringside + $15.00 beer + $0.50 foosball + $2.50 strip joint = $25.50) worth out of the evening. Thanks to Dave, Glenn, and all the guys for making it a great Minnesota wrestling get-together, even if the wrestling wasn't all that great.