Pro-Wrestling Eric Bischoff Q&A Session
Last updated 4 December 1999
This interview was conducted on 12 October 1996 by Bob Ryder.
Thanks to Prodigy for allowing this excerpt.
Hey Eric B., andy plans to put any WCW wrestlers into legitimate martial
arts matchups like
Antonio Inoki does with his wrestlers in New Japan?
Eric Bischoff:
No plans at this time, although a number of new athletes have legitimate
martial arts background, and
have expressed an interest in competing in Japan in some of the
shootfighting events that take place
Eric: Rumors are running wild about the bidding by the "Big Two" on Bret
Hart. While you most
likely can't give info on the negotiations, what is the likelihood that Bret
Hart will be in WCW in the
near future? And what do you expect from him on the Oct. 21 RAW? And what
about the WON
Hotline report that you have matched a $4 million for 4 yrs offer the WWF
has made to Bret?
Eric Bischoff:
I'm not engaged in any kind of a bidding war for Bret Hart, and I think the
likelyhood of Bret Hart
joining WCW is slim at best. I have no idea, nor am I really that concerned
with anything RAW is
going to do with Bret Hart on Oct 21. The idea of me matching a $4 Million
offer is absurd. If Vince
McMahon can pay anyone $4Million, hats off to him and to Bret Hart.
When are you going to have WCW start winning against the NWO ?
Eric Bischoff:
I think WCW's future will start looking much brighter in the near future,
possibly in the next month or
two months.
Is the WCW going to mount a counter offensive this week on NITRO? I think
that everyone is
getting sick of every NITRO ending with Savage being laid out....
Eric Bischoff:
I think we have something special in store for viewers this Monday night,
and I don't want to suggest
that Randy Savage is going to kick the hell out of the NWO singlehandidly.
Randy's situation at
WCW is tentative, to say the least. He is going through some problems and we
may get insight into
Eric, what do you think about Terry Gordy working in ECW and apparently
WWF....given his
condition do you think he should be allowed to work?
Eric Bischoff:
I'm not familiar enough with Terry Gordy's physical condition to comment on
whether or not he
should work.
Eric: Last time you visited us, I mentioned Jerry Lawler. In his latest
debacle, Lawler wowed the
USWA fans with a tirade in which he read directly from the Observer,
speaking about WCW's
latest draws, etc, and calling WCW 'rip-off' artists. Any thoughts,
considering the fact that one
NITRO may outdraw the last year of USWA Memphis shows combined?
Eric Bischoff:
I think for Jerry Lawler to call me a rip-off artist given the current
storyline in the WWF is laughable,
and only solidifies the statements I made last time. Jerry Lawler is quite
obviously a very bitter man. I
wish him the best, but it's quite obvious he is obsessed. His bitterness is
quite evident.
Seing the NWO kill WCW week after week will gets old...but having WCW beat
up the NWO
takes away all the heat the NWO has as being can you keep
it up?!
Eric Bischoff:
Stay tuned.
Eric,are you still planning on stripping the WCW World Champion soon and
puting the belt up in
Eric Bischoff:
I haven't made up my mind yet, but it's looking less likely by the day based
on feedback I have
heard and read.
Eric: Last time you were here, you mentioned that you would be continuing
negotiations with Gene
Okerlund? Are those talks still continuing, and if so, where do they stand?
Eric Bischoff:
Yes, we are still talking to Gene. It looks quite possible that Gene will be
returning, and we should
know in the next week to 10 days.
What is the future of macho man and Sting?
Eric Bischoff:
Randy Savage's contract is up in November and to be quite honest...I don't
discuss ongoing
discussions about ongoing negotiations, so I won't be able to comment on
much. That being said, we
would love for Randy to continue to be a part of WCW but at this time it's a
big question mark.
Sting....I don't know. It's my firm belief that Sting will remain a part of
WCW for quite awhile. It's
been reported that Sting has signed a longterm contract with WCW which is
not accurate. Sting is in
a good position right now because of the state of the wrestling business
right now. I think he is happy
with WCW right now. I know he just sold his house, and would like to do
things other than WCW.
You'd really have to ask Sting. I believe he will be with us for quite some
Eric: Halloween Havoc lights up the Vegas strip in just a couple of weeks.
I'll be there, you'll be
there, and in an even more bizarre matchup, Katz and Madden will be doing
play-by-play on the Internet. Any other technologic advances from WCW coming
soon? :>
Eric Bischoff:
Two tin cans and a string. I think we are about as cutting edge as we're
going to get for awhile.
Eric: About the Horsemen. Flair's out of action, Dillon's in the front
office...will Flair be introducing
Jarrett as a Horseman? And will Dillon be taking any type of on-screen role?
Eric Bischoff:
I've answered the Dillon part before. JJ Dillon will not have any onscreen
role. That's definitive. I
had a good talk with Ric Flair last week, and Ric and I are currently
discussing several options as far
as his role. Ric Flair will continue to be a part of the Four Horsemen. He
represents the Horsemen
more than anyone else. Quite frankly, I haven't decided yet. A lot of people
would like for Jeff to
become a part of the Four Horsemen. I haven't had a chance to talk to Jeff
about it...and more
importantly I haven't had a chance to talk to Arn and Ric about it. Until I
have a chance to talk to
them about it I won't make any decisions about the Four Horsemen.
Why the decision to keep Jarrett on the side of WCW? Didn't want to add any
more members to
the NWO at this time?
Eric Bischoff:
I think Jeff Jarrett in some ways represents more of what WCW is about. He's
a second generation
wrestler and is a little bit more of a traditional wrestlers wrestler and
fits very well in WCW.
oops is there a man named Darion Collins coming int WCW
Eric Bischoff:
Never heard of him.
Eric, thanks for being here. I have talked to a number of people and the
general consensus is that the
NWO angle is very good, but people are getting very frustrated with the NWO
having their way
every time. When does the WCW get it's turn?
Eric Bischoff:
I think it could happen at Halloween Havoc, but I will promise you that
before the end of the way or another, WCW is going to take back some of it's turf. I
don't mean to be cute could start happening this Monday night. The shift of the balance
of power will happen by
the end of the year. action while networks are in commercial breaks. One
reason we monitored
RAW in the beginning of the year was to see if they had the ability to time
their show to be in action
during the
You stated in a interview to ML Curley that the WWF did not know how to
produce wrestling on tv
until july when the lawsuit let them open your books how could you make such
a statement when the
WWF production value still is better than yours
Eric Bischoff:
I would suggest that their production values with their live effort is a far
cry from the production
values of NITRO. My point was in that interview that one of the aspects of
producing television in a
prime time competitive environment is what is refered to as quarter hour
maintenence. What I mean
by that is to be in quarter hours during commercial breaks. Invariably they
would go to commercial
break while we were in action. We laughed at that because someone with their
experience could
screw up quarter hour maintence. It wasn't until they got our information
through the lawsuit that they
took our notes and formats and figured out one of the ways we were kicking
their butts every week
and tried to correct that. With regard to their taped programs, I would
agree that they do post
production better than WCW does. When they had syndication and the things
they post produce,
they do a better job in some cases...but they have three times the staff and
twice the resources.
When it comes to live television....they aren't even in the same game.
Eric,do you think you can out do what Paul heyman did here wensday by
staying on here for 3 hours
and answering all of our questions honestly?
Eric Bischoff:
Absolutely not. I can assure you I won't be here for 3 hours, but I'll do my
best to answer your
questions honestly.
Eric What is your input on the ECW/WWF situation???
Eric Bischoff:
I responded to that last time. It's great for ECW because they get exposure
they wouldn't otherwise
get. It will have a minimal impact on WWF.
With the plethora of tag-teams in WCW at the present time, I think this
would be a perfect time to
bring back the defunct US Tag-Team Title. What are your thoughts on this?
Eric Bischoff:
Other people have mentioned that. Quite frankly, I think too many titles
tend to clutter the picture.
I'm not saying it won't happen, but right now I think it's more important to
distinguish the US Title,
Television Title, and Cruiserweight Title and make them more significant.
That's my goal right now.
Are you Interested in Raven?
Eric Bischoff:
Is it true that Macho may leave WCW if he does not win the title at
Halloween Havoc?
Eric Bischoff:
As I stated earlier, Randy's relationship with WCW is a big question mark
after November 14 or
15th. Whether or not he wins the title isn't really a factor.
Eric, seeing as how you worked in the AWA, and that you've brought some
talent from there, over
to WCW..would you ever think of redoing, or bringing back the tag team Badd
Eric Bischoff:
I dont' think so. The thought hasn't occured to me and doesn't give me a
warm and fuzzy feeling
when I think about it.
Is it true That Mabel and Bam Bsm Biegelow are coming to WCW?
Eric Bischoff:
Absolutely not true. I have not had a conversation with either one of them
other than a brief talk with
BamBam several months ago that didn't have anything to do with coming to
WCW. Not that they
wouldn't be's just we have no plans for it.
How long will Flair be out once he has surgery on his torn rotator cuff?
Eric Bischoff:
I think the surgery will be within the next week. I don't know how long
he'll be out, I think from a
month to 3 months. I believe Jim Andrews is doing the surgery.
What about Madusa and a Woman's Belt ?
Eric Bischoff:
As stated before, we are about to enter into an agreement with a group in
Japan to establish a
Woman's Championship. We'll see more of that after the first of the year.
What do you say to Vince McMahon's accusations that WCW uses unfair buissnes
Eric Bischoff:
I think it's laughable. Even more comical coming from Vince McMahon.
Who is WCW bringing into WOrld War 3 from other federations to fill out the
60 spots???
Eric Bischoff:
We are just starting to take a look at that now. I don't have definitive
plans yet. We are looking to
see who is available. We should know more in the next couple of weeks.
First of all,Eric,I think you have done an excellent job with the NWO angle,
as well as the whole
business as well. My question is however, howcome you don't give the
American Males,Marcus
Alexander Bagwell and Scotty Riggs the push they deserve? I heard they're
very unhappy in WCW.
Is it true?
Eric Bischoff:
They've never expressed that to me. Scotty Riggs has been injured with a
separated shoulder since
August, and Marcus was doing a movie in Los Angeles. Given that, it's been a
little difficult to do
anything with them. I have a high regard for both of them as professionals
and as individuals.
Do you think Time Warner now will not let you spend so much on former WWF
Eric Bischoff:
WCW is still a part of TBS, Inc and will operate no differently than it's
been operating. Every year, I
submit a budget and once it's approved I work within that budget. The last
two years, WCW has
done extremely well and has been a profit center and has enjoyed tremendous
growth and success. I
don't see that as changing but for the better given the Time Warner
situation. It will give us an
opportunity to continue to grow. It won't slow us down.
Eric, have you ever looked into hiring such indie wreslters as Mark Windsor,
Reckless Youth, Joe
Massacre, or Vic Steamboat?
Eric Bischoff:
I believe Vic Steamboat is going to be working with WCW. I'm embarassed to
say I'm not familiar
with the other names you mention.
You have sent numerous emails to "The Shadow's WWF Page" to try and make him
cease the
comments made about you and WCW? Why are you trying to censor the WWW page?
Eric Bischoff:
Quite obviously that is someone who is pretending to be Eric Bischoff. I
have not sent any EMails to
anybody about a web site. People can say whatever they want to about Eric
Bischoff or WCW. It's
not a concern of mine. It is a concern if people present themselves as Eric
Bischoff or as a
representative of WCW. I think that may be a legal problem for them.
if the WWF would move Raw to tuesday or 10pm would you put a show against it
Eric Bischoff:
Maybe. I reserve the right to be competitive.
Why did WCW put Nitro on Mondays against Raw when it would have recieved
more ratings if put
on another day?
Eric Bischoff:
I don't know that that's true...and despite what other people would lead you
to believe...there
weren't a lot of options open to us given TNT's committment to NFL and NBA.
I candidly admit to forecasting your demise, but I equally admit your
success. No one in your
position ever managed to convince TBS management to spend at the level to
achieve parity.
Congratulations are indeed in order. Accordingly, is there not some point
where your company will
make an offer to buy out Vince McMahon? After all, Ted Turner attempted to
buy him out in 1985.
Eric Bischoff:
There is absolutely no plan, nor do I see any situation in the future where
we would be interested in
buying the WWF.
How many more times do we have to see Randy Savage get the living daylights
beat out of him,
before the other WCW stars do something to the New World Order?.
Eric Bischoff:
We're all getting a little tired of Randy getting his ass kicked. Hopefully
Randy will do something
about that in the very near future.
Eric, I asked you this last time and you didn't agree..but on recent NITROs
the majority of the
crowd has been Pro-NWO..NWO chants in a way ruined Jeff Jarrett's interview you
still feel that it's not a mistake to plant NWO fan support?
Eric Bischoff:
That's a good question, and it's a big concern for alot of people in
WCW...both wrestlers and office
personell. The truth of the matter is the NWO, whether or not they are an
incredibly popular entity
and it's changing not only the course of business for WCW, but it's changing
the way people look at
wrestling. Only time is going to tell whether our current plans are a
mistake or not. I never said I had
a crystal ball, and never claimed to be a genius. We'll just play it out and
see where it goes.
Eric, you wanted tough questions....please level with us on just how much
control Hulk Hogan has
over booking and direction in WCW. Did his new contract give him as much
control as his original
contract did?
Eric Bischoff:
Quite candidly, we spend probably 25 hours a week writing, producing,
planning WCW programs.
Hulk Hogan is not a part of that process, and his new agreement provides him
with less of an
opportunity to influence the direction of WCW than his previous agreement.
Do you think that wrestling in general both WCW and WWF is better then 1
year ago?
Eric Bischoff:
Absolutely. More people are watching wrestling now since NITRO debuted back in
September...and I think wrestling is more competitive now because of NITRO
and because of
WCW's growth and the pressure we put on the WWF. I think it's fair to say
that fans have
benefited. They are seeing a quality now they wouldn't have seen a year or
two years ago.
Mr. Bischoff, If you could sign one wrestler from the WWF and one from ECW,
who would they
Eric Bischoff:
I mean no disrespect for ECW or their fans...I don't watch their product,
I'm just not familiar with
much of their talent. I know Raven, and have had a beer or two with him in
the past year. I just don't
think he fits, and neither does he. I remember Shane Douglas and he's a good
talent, but again it's
not like I'm coveting him. If I had to pick one I would have to pick Shane
Douglas. As far as the
WWF, I'm not saying this to be cocky or arrogant, which I've been accused of
being, but there is
nobody there that I want. Shawn Michaels is a phenomenal talent, but I just
don't think he has a
place here. After Shawn Michaels there is nobody else that would have any
kind of major impact.
You are aware of some discontented letters and e-mail from Columbus, Ga.,
fans to the
Ledger-Enquirer over the failure to deliver in-house several performers
inside the new Civic Center
at the September "Nitro" show. Within reason, what are you going to do to
make this up to the
Columbus fans? Will you offer a refund to any fans who request one for that
Eric Bischoff:
I was made aware yesterday by our PR department about one letter from a fan
in Columbus. I'm not
aware of the letters to the paper. A call was made to my office and was
transferred to my PR
department. I'm looking into the complaint, and if it's legitimate, I'll
offer a refund. To my knowledge
right now it's a singlular complaint, and if she has a legitimate gripe, I
have no problem with giving her
a refund.
Has JJ Dillon given away WWF storyline to you so you and Turner/Time Warner
can put them out
of business
Eric Bischoff:
Most people in broadcasting who achieve the kind of parity you have with a
previous leader in your
genre have loftier ambitions. Where do you see yourself, or what goals do
you have even with the
Time Warner-Turner company within five years?
Eric Bischoff:
I've got goals to do alot of things other than just wrestling, including
producing a kids action program
that I've been trying to get off the ground for 4 years, and including
getting involved with animation,
and possibly even getting involved with the movie industry. Fortunately, I
was in a strategic business
review meeting back in September and presented them with my vision of WCW in
the next 5 years
and presented my views about those things even utilizing WCW talent and that
strategy was
embraced by everyone in that meeting. So, I have an opportunity to pursue
individual goals while
continuing to be a part of WCW. Hopefully those goals will benefit WCW.
Do you think wrestling can ever become what the WWF made it in the 80's again?
Eric Bischoff:
No, I don't. In the 1980's wrestling went from being a regional product to
being a national television
phenomena for the very first time. There is no way ever to recreate that
environment. In fact, there
can only be one 'first man on the moon'. The WWF did it first, our challenge
is to do it better.
This morning, Jerry Lawler, on his live Memphis show, again attempted to
discourage attendance at
your Monday Mid-South Coliseum show and referred to "Eric Bischoff and his
company" as a
bunch of "ripoff artists," referring to the Columbus show and Dave Meltzer's
column about
discontented fans at the Cleveland show. Any comments about Lawler?
Eric Bischoff:
As I said earlier, I think Jerry Lawler is a frustrated and bitter
individual. He's free to say what he
chooses to on his own show. I think for the most part, people who watch
NITRO and who attend it
live enjoy the show and feel as if they receive value for their dollar so
I'm really not concerned with
one bitter individuals point of view, particularly when that view is so
obviously self serving. Even
though I don't know Jerry Lawler, I can't help but be a little sorry for him.
To: mmotley@IX.NETCOM.COM
Subject: Eric Bischoff on Prodigy 10/12/96 part 2
From: mmotley@IX.NETCOM.COM
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 10:18:01 -0700
When will Regal be back in the US to defend the TV title?
Eric Bischoff:
Probably not until after the first of the year.
Eric, has the Booty Man angle been dropped and where has he gone? Where is
Eric Bischoff:
Ed Leslie and I will be meeting sometime next week to discuss his future.
Quite frankly I don't know
what's going to happen with Kimberly.
Would you ever consider calling during a WWF Livewire show....or have you
already tried?
Hey...It's free promotion!
Eric Bischoff:
No, I can't get myself to watch it on television. I really don't think I
could lower myself to become
part of that. It's really pretty bad.
Following up on a previous question, what did you do to convince Ted Turner
and your superiors to
put the kind of money into the operation that your predecessors failed to
do? The Monday night
show is obviously the catalyst to put you "over the top," but if you could
name three things you did to
sell management on your competitive strategy....what were they?
Eric Bischoff:
I increased ratings, I turned a profit, and demonstrated an ability to
manage my company.
I have recently became a WCW fan I really enjoy you product, Thank you for
you efforts I will
continue to watch.
Eric Bischoff:
Thanks for your kind comments.
Since HBO is being placed under Ted Turner's domain in the merged company,
what are the
chances of seeing a series of WCW specials on Home Box Office?
Eric Bischoff:
While I won't rule it out, I think it's improbable. We are already producing
a boatload of product,
and quite frankly I don't think we have the ability to do much more and
maintain any level of quality.
Given the current series of circumstances and, assuming you are attempting
to work as if you are
number two----as most successful media operations do when they have achieved
parity or
leadership----how much longer does McMahon have as a serious competitor if
he does not strike
fire with a new angle with the public?
Eric Bischoff:
I really don't know how much longer Vince McMahon has. Only Vince McMahon
knows what his
resources are. Quite frankly, I've spent the majority of my career in the
same position as Vince.
Digging out of that hole can be a long and painful process...and to date he
has not demonstrated to
me that he has the creative ability or resources to get out of that hole
anytime in the near future.
Was the brodcast booth destroyed Monday Night?
Eric Bischoff:
Eric, do you forsee Rick Flair's retirement in the near future due to the
current rash of injuries?
Eric Bischoff:
I don't think so. Ric hasn't had a rash of injuries, he's had one injury.
Ric Flair is a guy who really
holds nothing back when he wrestles. He has had probably fewer injuries than
almost anyone in the
business considering how many years and matches he's been in. One injury
doesn't mean he has to
retire. I think Ric Flair can stay active as long as he chooses. There are a
lot of Ric Flair fans out
there, and I think as long as those fans are out there Ric Flair will be
there too.
Will we see a Malenko/Guerrero (Eddie of course) match any time soon?
Eric Bischoff:
That's possible.
Eric -- What do you think of Vader now that he is in the other league?
Eric Bischoff:
I think that's a good place for him to be. Everybody has to go somewhere,
and Vader quite frankly
did everything that he could do in WCW....and really no longer fit, given
the level of talent we are
showcasing in WCW.
Eric -- I recall you saying that you lived in Pittsburgh once. Did you like
living here? What area
Eric Bischoff:
I lived at 634 National Drive, Penn Hills 15235 and I loved it. I lived
there from '68 to '71 and some
of my fondest childhood memories are from that area.
Mr. Bischoff, are you considering holding some Nitros on College Campuses in
the future?
Eric Bischoff:
As a matter of fact, we are talking about doing that in the Spring.
What is the situation w/ WCW and the Warrior.... Have talks broken off, or
were there talks to
begin with?
Eric Bischoff:
I had a conversation with Jim Helwig I believe last February, perhaps
January. It became apparent
to me in that conversation that there probably wasn't going to ever be a
relationship with Jim Helwig
and WCW. I haven't talked to him since then...nor do I plan to.
what is up with this NWO? they are saying the wrong thing to our kids
Eric Bischoff:
Well, the majority of our audience on NITRO is made up of adults. I'm
sensitive to that comment in
that I have two young kids myself...ages 12 and 10. I spend a fair amount of
time explaining to them
about what they see on television, not only as it relates to the NWO, but as
to other prime time
shows. I think if someone has a problem with what NWO or wrestling says to
kids, then it's there
responsiblity to explain to the kids what they are watching, or to suggest
another viewing option.
Eric, I know you must recieve some of the top sheets out such as the
observer, I was wondering if
you get the chance to read any of the top sheets online, and what is your
opinion on online sheets?
Eric Bischoff:
I do receive them occassionally...I don't on a regular basis. I'm given them
if there is something I
should see. I'm just not in the office anymore as much as I'd like, so I
don't have the time to read
through the sheets. As I stated in the past, my only problem with sheets is
they tend to report 3rd
and 4th hand information as fact. I have no problem if they repeat 3rd or
4th hand information as
long as they don't present it as fact.
Are we going to see Dusty Rhodes again?
Eric Bischoff:
Every Saturday night.
Eric,is there anything you regret doing in the NWO storyline?
Eric Bischoff:
Eric Bischoff:
I regret not getting up and kicking Vincent between the eyes the night they
took over the broadcast booth.
Mr. Bischoff (did I spell it right?) , could you please stop using the blue
light when Glacier wrestles because it gives me a headache trying to watch
athletes wrestle and everything's blue.
Eric Bischoff:
Point noted.
Where did you go to college?
Eric Bischoff:
I attended St Cloud State University in Minnesota briefly and the University
of Minnesota.
How are you able to keep up with your hectic schedule?
Eric Bischoff:
I don't. It swallows me on a pretty regular basis.
i enjoyed every moment of nwo beating you up-if u know kickboxing why??didnt
u show nwo what u made of
Eric Bischoff:
I'm a student of American Western History, and I read a book once on Indian
warfare....and it's a lesson George Custer should have learned. When you're're outnumbered. You pick your fight another time.
Eric, do you think WCW would ever try to institue a show like the WWF's Live
Eric Bischoff:
No, that show sucks.
Eric-What do you think of the comment Vince said on AOL about you "that it
doesn't take a genius to pick Hogan's mind",and he doubts your creative
Eric Bischoff:
If Vince McMahon has any doubts about my creative ability, he only has to
look at the current situation as it relates to the WWF/WCW market share on
Monday night. While he may find some comfort in believing the illusion that
I'm picking Hulk Hogan's mind, the reality is that NITRO and everything else
that has gone on at WCW has been the product of a lot of hard work from a lot
of people, not excluding Hulk Hogan, but involving a team effort from all of
us. When I think about it, it's hard not to laugh at Vince McMahon's comment,
given the fact that he is the guy that dressed Ron Simmons up like the
doorman at Caesars' Palace.
Mr. Bischoff, the last time you were on Prodigy, you said some unkind things
about Jerry Lawler which leads me to believe that you don't have a very good
relationship with him. What happened?
Eric Bischoff:
I didn't say anything unkind. I responded to a question about some rather
agressive tactics that Lawler took on his own show about WCW and Eric
Bischoff. My opinion is that if he has said the thing he evidently said, and
done some things I've he has done, the only conclusion is he is a bitter man.
He had never made it to the bigtime, and before he went to the WWF, nobody
outside of Tennessee knew who he was...and he's a clown there.
Eric: It has been stated in newsletters etc. that you book NITRO either 10
minutes before it goes on the air, or even while it IS on the air. If this is
true, why do you use this unique booking style?
Eric Bischoff:
It's not true. While being live gives the opportunity to change direction,
sometimes rather abruptly...for the most part, we know where we are going in
advance of the show.
Why did you dump Austin & Mero on the bad terms that you did?
Eric Bischoff:
First of all, I didn't dump Mero...he basically threatened me and gave me an
ultimatum. I don't do business that way. Austin had been out for a long
time with an injury. We had been paying him a long time without benefit of
his service, and I decided WCW could no longer afford a relationship with
after the NWO what Is next for WCW are you afraid that you putto much into
the angle?
Eric Bischoff:
No, I'm not afraid of that. I think WCW and the NWO have a pretty bright
future. I'm looking forward to the next year or two years.
Eric Will several NWO members be competing against each other in World War
Eric Bischoff:
That remains to be seen.
what do you think about the AWF?
Eric Bischoff:
It's an interesting effort, and a very risky one...given the expense of
syndication in the 90s and the cost of production. The wrestling business is
an extremely difficult business at best. I hope they do well. I hope they
do things to help create a larger wrestling audience and create more
Who do you think is the best wrestler in your organization today?
Eric Bischoff:
I refuse to answer that question, on the grounds that it may incriminate me
to the 67 people I have under contract that I don't mention.
Is Jeff Jarrett going to have a singing career in WCW?
Eric Bischoff:
Absolutely not. From what I understand, he can't sing a lick.
How does your chats with Prodigy members effect your company's relationship
to Compuserve considering the sight you have there?
Eric Bischoff:
I don't think it has any negative impact. The reason I have the chats on
Prodigy is that if I was to do it on Compuserve I think fans would think it's
self serving, and nothing but a PR move. While I admit being on Prodigy Chat
has great PR benefit to WCW, hopefully because the questions are coming in
through Bob Ryder as a moderator rather than through a WCW employee, the
questions will be perceived to be less self serving.
Is there a chance that the NWO will get a woman "valet," as the WWF has done
Eric Bischoff:
I have no idea.
how much did vince pay you when you worked for him?
Eric Bischoff:
I never worked for Vince.
I think instead of actually STRIPPING the champion of the title, you should
have him DEFEND it against 59 other men, in the World War 3 battle
royal...just a suggestion...
Eric Bischoff:
One guy against 59? Go back to that Custer thing I mentioned earlier. Not
very good odds.
Will WCW ever come to Pittsburgh? I don't remember it being in town for
years. How about a Nitro in Pittsburgh soon?
Eric Bischoff:
I'd love to come to Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, union costs there are
extremely high. Because NITRO is such a huge production, the cost of doing
it in Pittsburgh is almost prohibitive.
Eric, ya think there's any possibility of Alex Wright getting a shot at the
Cruiserweight title on PPV soon? He seems to be getting lost in the
shuffle... is he too tall to be an effective cruiserweight?
Eric Bischoff:
Yes, there is a chance. However, Alex Wright weighs about 30 lbs more this
year than last, and he's a bit too heavy for the cruiserweights. If he gets
his weight down, he'll get a shot.
Do u plan on having any WCW superstars signing on Prodigy???
Eric Bischoff:
No, but I do encourage them, those who have jump on the online
services and engage a chat forum if it's available to them.
Any plans to broadcast Nitro in PA anytime soon?
Eric Bischoff:
It's possible. I don't know of any immediate plans.
Eric Bischoff:
Submit a resume to WCW c/o David Crockett
Since Jeff Jarrett is in the WCW, and his father is part owner of the USWA,
could we see WCW drivebys in Memphis?
Eric Bischoff:
Since mergers seem to be going around these days (Turner and Time Warner,
etc), is there any chance that a WWF &WCW merger? Also, is there any chance
that Turner might try to buy out the WWF?
Eric Bischoff:
Yeah, when I grow wings and fly myself to the moon.
What ever happend in that lawsuit with Vince Macmon when the WWF was suing
Eric Bischoff:
Which one...there's been many.
Eric, as a huge Japanese wrestling fan, I find it in bad taste that all
Japanese wrestlers who come to WCW are heels. Don't you think this booking
method is dated and xenophobic? Don't the Japanese wrestlers feel the same
way? And if you do use the GAEA women against Madusa, PLEASE don't make them
Eric Bischoff:
Point noted. Thanks for the input.
Please do something to punish the riduclous display by the Nasty Boys on
Nitro. Talking out one's buttocks is not quality tv or wrestling.
Eric Bischoff:
It was in poor taste. It was embarassing television, and I apologize to
anyone who was offended by that.
Eric, Thanks for joining us, today. Are you aware that the NWO attacking
everyone every week has become boring? Are there any plans to "Freshen it
up" by adding a new twist?
Eric Bischoff:
We are constantly trying to create ways to make NITRO more interesting, and
will continue to do so. I think in the next few months, you are going to see
several new twists that should satisfy even our most ardent critics.
Why do wresterlers have to change their names when they change from WCW to
WWF or the other way around?
Eric Bischoff:
In some cases a wrestlers ring name is a trademark property of the
organization. In other cases, it's a creative decision. For example, Ron
Simmons wrestled in WCW as Ron Simmons. Vince McMahon in his wealth of
creative abilities chose to name him Farouk Assad and dressed him up as a
Caesars Palace doorman. That was a creative decision by Vince McMahon that
wasn't necessary.
How many children do you have? Do you listen to their reactions after a WCW
event to plan the next segment sometimes?
Eric Bischoff:
I have two children. My son is 12, and my daughter is 10. My son is a huge
fan, and my daughter is only moderately interested. While I don't pick their
brains, I do have a tendency from time to time to watch how they react to
certain things...even though the majority of our audience is adult it's
important to see their reaction. I do the same thing with friends of my
children or with people in a mall if people ask me for an autograph. I
always ask people what they like or don't like to see what the consensus of
opinion is in a specific age group.
Seeing that Hunter Hurst Helmsley Is doing a great job [IMO] in wwf do you
think it was a Mistake to let him go?
Eric Bischoff:
We wanted Paul Levesque to stay in WCW, and we tried pretty hard to keep him
here. Paul believe that it was in the best interest of his future to try to
establish himself in the WWF. He is a great talent with a tremendous
potential, and is a very driven individual. I'm sure he will be successful.
Why not build up contenders to cruiserweight titles better? It seems like all
you do is bring someone most of us never heard of and throw them in a title
match without any heat.
Eric Bischoff:
Point taken. Thank you for your input.
What is the status of the U.S. Title, with Ric Flair injured?
Eric Bischoff:
The NWO stole the belt, quite obviously they can't make any kind of
professional claim to it. We are going to have to try to determine how to
resolve that issue. A lot of that will be determined by Ric Flair's surgery
and how long his doctors think it will take for him to recover.
eric, great show in cleveland a couple of weeks ago. any chance that rowdy
roddy piper may join the wcw???
Eric Bischoff:
Eric, how do you think the independent scene can be built back up? SMW died,
(I know you're real broken up about that), USWA is hurting, ECW is just
there... do you think the lack of strong indies hurts the business, and what
can be done to help it?
Eric Bischoff:
Good question. That would require a lengthy answer to do it justice. I'll
do the best I can. I think we do need more independent promotions. They are
good for the business. I would like to see them flourish. On the other
hand, the business has changed so much and it's become so difficult
financially to draw any kind of house show business on a regular basis, that
as much as I hate to say it, I don't see anytime soon where the environment
is going to become positive for independents There is so much wrestling
available on television featuring marquee names that small shows on a local
level without those names just don't have a bright future. I wish it was
different, and if there was anything we could do to help without it hurting
our business, I'd do it. We have tried to work with Jerry Jarrett and other
small promotions, but it's extremely difficult.
Will Jeff Jarrett become the next "Nature Boy"? I heard that thought about
Eric Bischoff:
It's something that I've heard other people talk about. I haven't been
involved in those discussions. Until I have a chance to talk to Ric Flair
after surgery, and until we have a good idea of when he's coming back, no
decisions will be made and we won't be talking about who would be taking his
Eric: Do you feel WCW would still be #1 in the ratings if the NWO angle had
never come about? Also considering the amount of exposure the NWO angle is
getting do you feel that some WCW workers will become upset, since they will
no longer be in the limelight?
Eric Bischoff:
WCW was more than competitive with the WWF prior to the NWO. In fact, with
the exception of the NBA playoffs, I believe on a week to week basis we were
winning the Monday battles albeit by a slim margin. I firmly believe, as I
believed before I put NITRO on the air, that we have the ability to be the
number one wrestling organization, and I believe we would have done it
without the NWO. As to WCW talent become discontented...I think times are
going to change. NWO is not going to constantly dominate, and won't be able
to be the dominate part of NITRO. WCW performers will have the opportunity
to compete with the NWO.
If Vince McMahon were to call you, right now, and ask about a joint PPV, and
a working agreement, would you still be gain?
Eric Bischoff:
I don't think so. I think it would be too complicated, and I really believe
that there should be two or more prominate wrestling organizations. I've
said it so many times, I know it sounds like I don't mean it...but Vince
should build his company and make his product stronger. That's his
Eric: We've seen a limited number of guys come from WCW's Power Plant. I
believe only Bobby Walker, Billy Kidman, and High Voltage have come out of
there so far. Are we going to see any new guys coming out of the Power Plant,
getting a push as a superstar rather than being mainly jobbers?
Eric Bischoff:
How about Paul White? How about Diamond Dallas Page? How about Ice Train?
Just to name a few. There will be more. Stay tuned.