Pro-Wrestling Eric Bischoff Q&A Session
Last updated 4 December 1999
This interview was conducted in March 1997 by Bob Ryder.
Thanks to Prodigy for allowing this excerpt.
Whatever happened to NWO NITRO? Do you still plan to dedicate an hour
to the
NWO each week, and if so, when will the NWO segments start?
It's something that is still in the planning stages. It may happen as a
part of NITRO or it may be a part of the new 2 hour show on TBS if we
decide to go that route.
What will the set-up for this Monday's NITRO be? Will the ring be
floating in a pool like some have suggested?
My understanding is that yes, the ring will be set up in the middle of a
Wrestlemania is 2 weeks away, and the WWF is still talking about ECW's
PPV more than their own. Any predictions on a buyrate for Wrestlemania?
No, I don't have any prediction, but I think it's fair to say that a
repeat of any NITRO show will be a much better investment of anyones
time than watching Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania, to me, appears to be a
very mediocre RAW show and below a sub-par NITRO show.
Do you think that you can depend on Dennis Rodman to show up for his
work dates and to act in a professional manner?
I have every confidence in the world that Dennis Rodman will make his
appearances, and that he will act in a professional manner. Dennis has
been looking forward to this for a long time and is very excited about
his relationship with the NWO.
The WWF is running their Madison Square Garden show on the MSG Network
at the
same time as WCW's Uncensored PPV. Do you have any plans to counter by
shows on TBS or TNT against Wrestlemania or other WWF PPV's?
No, that's not the type of thing that we're about to get involved in.
The fact that they are doing it is just another example of how desperate
they are. It's their way of fighting back in whatever limited way they
can. The reality is that it will have no impact on the buyrate for
Uncensored, and I'm not about to counter that kind of strategy in any
What long term plans (if any) do you have for Rodman?
I'm going to be meeting with Dennis on Monday morning and we are going
to discuss our relationship in detail. We will be talking more about
that in the weeks to come.
How do you feel about
WWF expanding their Monday night shows, do you think it's better
I think it's great that they expanded to two hours. It creates a more
environment. I welcome that competition. What's most important is the
relationship that WWF has apparently developed with ECW. Clearly, that
relationship with ECW is the single biggest threat to WCW's dominance.
ECW could make the difference in the Monday night battle. The numbers
speak for themselves.
What exactly went on behind-the-scenes with Disco Inferno's firing? Why
did you feel it was necessary to have him job to Miss Texas?
As we move forward with storylines in a creative direction, it's
important for talent to realize their position within our company. From
time to time we have to make decisions that we think are in the best
interest of the company. Unfortunately sometimes that conflicts with
what the individual talent may feel is in their best interest. When
that happens and we are unable to resolve the conflict, my only recourse
is to part company with the talent.
You've commented several times that you thrive on competition, but some
of your
comments about Vince McMahon seem to go beyond competition. How
personal is the
It's not personal at all. It's actually getting to be quite
entertaining. As I hear comments from Vince McMahon to various media,
it becomes clear to me that this is a man bordering on delusional and
who is obsessed with seeing his name in print along with Ted Turner.
Vince McMahon can't deal with the fact that someone is more creative,
better equipped, and more talented than he is. His only recourse is to
strike out at Big Bad Billionaire Ted. It's almost sad to hear some of
the comments
that Vince McMahon is making to some media. I hope he can pull the nose
up on his
company to make things more competitive, but at this point...I'm not
holding my breath.
Eric...during your last chat with us, you mentioned there was a
possibility WCW would either buy New Japan Pro Wrestling or start its
own Japanese promotion. Could you please update us on the negotiations
with New Japan?
There is no further update. I haven't spoken to anyone from New Japan
since our last chat. I will be traveling to Japan later this month and
will be happy to report on developements after that trip, but as of now
there is nothing to update.
What were you thinking when you assembled Piper's team for Uncensored? I
know you
want to get the guys from the Power Plant some exposure, but I don't
think this is the time to do it..
Let me clarify a few points. Number 1, the individuals on Piper's team
are not members of the Power Plant. In fact, neither one of them have
ever stepped foot inside the Power Plant. Two of the individuals who
Piper beat before he selected his team were from the Power Plant, but
the two members he selected were not. Roddy Piper picked that team.
You have to realize that Roddy Piper is not formally associated with WCW
and does not have the luxury of selecting from WCW talent so he put
together the best team he could with what he had to work with.
What excites you more, that Rodman is with WCW or Vince McMahon doesn't
I really don't care about Vince McMahon or Wrestlemania, and I don't
think anyone else cares either. I am excited that Dennis Rodman is with
WCW and will be a part of the Uncensored PPV. I'm told the story was on
the front page of the Chicago Sun Times and that kind of media exposure
is a very positive thing for the NWO/WCW.
You said in a previous chat that the WCW would never be interested in
the Ultimate
Warrior, but it seems a Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior match would be a
draw for a PPV. When the Warrior is free of his obligations with WWF,
and assuming he is able to use the name Ultimate Warrior would you be
interested in promoting a match between Hogan and the Warrior?
Besides announcing and interviewing, what other duties did you have with
the AWA?
I started in the AWA in syndication. I worked my way into event
promotion, corporate sponsorship development and production. I also
watered the plants on Friday's.
I know my dad has been turned off with WCW signing Rodman, do you think
that many
conservative adults will have less interest in WCW now that Rodman is
That's hard to say. People's opinions are so varied on Dennis Rodman.
The fact is that he is one of the highest profile athletes in the
business. He's an enigma in many ways. I'm sure many people will be
turned off...but many people will be turned on by the fact that he is
with NWO/WCW.
Will we see members of the NWO from Japan come and fight with the NWO
here in the
Definitely. As the NWO expands internationally, we will take advantage
of the
opportunity to bring in that talent to help strengthen our position
Due to the poor fan response, will Piper's team for Uncensored be
changed in any way?
That's up to Roddy Piper. I hope, for his sake, that he changes the
team...because this might be his last shot at Hollywood Hogan.
Eric...many critics of the New Japan story argue it is impossible to
negotiate with all the factions within NJPW ownership. Are you at this
time satisfied you are negotiating with the actual NJPW ownership and if
so, how have you confirmed that detail?
I've read recently about what people hypothesis the ownership of New
Japan to be, and virtually everything people have written is incorrect.
I am confident that if we are able to put forward a straighforward
business plan that shows the potential for growth with WCW involvement,
that the principals at New Japan would embrace the possibility.
Welcome King Eric, my 1st question is How does it feel to have given
Vince a scare, cuz we all know that with the way Monday Ratings are
going, he has to be?
In my opinion, Vince McMahon is a fraud. He's someone who has enjoyed a
tremendous amount of success in the industry because he maintained a
monopoly in many ways. When he was the only wrestling show on Monday
night, he was incredibly successful. Once he got competition, he
cracked. Vince McMahon's true talents and skills in this industry are
becoming more obvious every Monday Night. It does feel good to expose
him for what he is...but at the same time I am beginning to feel sorry
for him.
I hope Vince McMahon and the people around him can find a way to make
their product more competitive.
It's been no surprise that Dennis Rodman was highly sought-after by
WWF.. In your own words, what does Rodman bring to the WCW, and the NWO
Go buy a copy of the Chicago Sun Times, and listen to the news around
the country this weekend. Take a look at all the clipping from papers
across the country this weekend, and the answer will be very clear.
Eric...many of your critics scoff at the suggestion WCW has anything to
offer New Japan in the way of PPV/cable/satellite expertise. What
expertise do you see WCW offering New Japan?
First of all, those critics don't have a clue as to what is going on in
Japan. Their information is second and third hand information from
someone who is not even in the wrestling business. Secondly, WCW as a
part of Time Warner/Turner is a part of the largest Entertainment
Company in the world. To suggest that we have nothing to offer in the
way of PPV/Cable/Satellite expertise is a reflection of those critics
and their lack of understanding of the business.
I am attending the Nitro the 31st in Roanoke. What is the WCW policy on
signs and will WCW be making more trips to Roanoke? This is the first
time I remember them being there since June 96.
Our policy on signs is basically if they aren't profane or if they don't
obstruct the view of people in the area, that signs are permitted and
encouraged. Yes, we do plan to come to the Roanoke area several times
in the next 12 months.
Eric, what plans do you have to expand further into Canada? I'd love to
see you come back to Toronto...perhaps an international Nitro? Titan
has had some luck here recently with good crowds. Also, do you plan to
ever get Nitro on live in Toronto/Canada? The one hour version we get
is pretty goofy sometimes.
Yes, unfortunately, the one hour version is edited by people outside of we have no control over that product once it leaves the United
States. We would like to come to Toronto and/or Montreal, and might do
so before the end of 1997.
Eric - Has Marty Jannetty's name crossed your mind as a fit for WCW (or
the NWO)?
Assuming his WWF contract has expired, that is...
His name has not crossed my mind or my desk.
The manager for Mortis seems very educated and quite adept with his
interview skills...Can you tell us anything about his & Mortis'
Mr. Bischoof, again thanks for joining us. Why did WCW spend all of that
money on
Dennis Rodman? World Championship Wrestling could have tried to sign
real professional wrestlers with that money. Why Rodman?
I say again...go to your nearest newsstand and take a look at all the
media that will be talking about NWO and Dennis Rodman, and realize you
can't buy that kind of publicity unless you associate with people like
Dennis Rodman. Controversy creates cash...the three C's, if you will.
There is certainly no one more controversial than Dennis Rodman.
Eric, what are your plans for Ric Flair? I can't think of anybody who's
done more for the NWA/WCW over the last 20 years. I think the fans
would like to see him go out on top or with a push.
I hope, for Ric Flair's sake, and for the fans of Ric Flair, that he's
able to overcome his shoulder injury and to once again be included in
the nucleus of what is making WCW so successful. Ric Flair is, without
a doubt, one of the most talented individuals in the history of our
sport. He has made a tremendous impact on our business. I wish him the
best, and like many of you, look forward to seeing him step back in the
ring again. That's something, that is up to Ric Flair, and his team of
WHY did you sign Dennis Rodman(if there is any truth to it)??
surgeons, though.
Eric...what factors would influence you to bypass buying New Japan and
start your own Japanese promotion?
If we aren't able to negotiate a deal that is mutually beneficial, our
only option would be to run in opposition. Japan is a big market, and
the NWO and WCW is a significant draw there and we can be tremendously
successful. If we can't do it with them, we would be forced to do it
without them.
Mr. Bischoff, thanks for joinging the Prodigy members. Who will replace
you during your "suspension" as Executive Vice President of World
Championship Wrestling? And what will you be doing now that you are
That's up to Harvey Schiller. I have a meeting with Ted Turner on the
13th, and I'm sure at that time Harvey Schiller's "suspension" will be
lifted and I will go about my business as usual. Harvey Schiller took
it upon himself to flex his corporate muscle because he knew that Turner
Executive Committee members were in attendance, and he decided to
grandstand for them.
In the interim, I will spend as much time as I can with Hall, Nash,
Hogan, et al. I'll be helping strategizing with them for Uncensored,
and will enjoy a little time off.
Mr. Bischoff, if WCW does have a "floating ring" this upcoming Monday
Nitro, will we see a "Pool Hell" match where in order for someone to get
eliminated, they have to be tossed into the pool?
We haven't discussed that, but it's a great idea. Who knows, we might
steal it from you.
Eric we appreciate that you take time to stop buy and chat, I hope this
continues. Last I heard Barry Windham and WCW were at odds legally.
Would he/could he ever work for WCW again? He always seemed to do well
in WCW.
I'm not exactly sure what the legal status is. My understanding is
there is no pending legal litigation, but I'm not certain about that.
Personally, I've always gotten along well with Barry Windham and believe
him to be a talented individual and would not rule out working with him
at any time in the future.
Did you get your "floating pool" idea from FMW, when they did it in 1994
at Komazawa Olympic Pool?
No, as a matter of fact, I didn't know they did that. Frankly, the idea
of doing NITRO at the club we are doing it at was born our of the
promotional minds of TNT who have a Spring Break package with Sony
Playstation. They are the ones that suggested the location. We sent a
crew down to try to make it work, and this was the solution we came up
with to try to present NITRO in a rather limited environment.
Will WCW wrestling be appearing anywhere in the Boston area soon?
I believe we will be in the Fleet Center later this year, but I'm not
sure of the date.
It's just been announced that an April NITRO will be held in Philly, the
home of ECW... Other than the NWO, the hottest topic on the Internet has
been ECW's emergence om WWF's "RAW"... Is the possibility of ECW (or
their vocal fans) making themself known at NITRO a concern?
It's of no concern to me at all. As long as they buy a ticket, they are
welcome to come.
Mr. Bischoff, you have made the claim that you are thinking about buying
New Japan out? How could you possibly do this when TV Asahi is
virtually impossible to buy out? How would you buy NJ?
TV Asahi doesn't have, to my knowledge, an ownership position in New
Japan. They
simply distrubute their program, which is exactly the reason New Japan
needs a strong television partner to expand in Japan on cable and
satellite, as well as to take them International, which is something
they have not had success with.
What do you think of Roddy Piper's team?
I wish him well. They have a lot of heart...a limited amount of talent,
and an uphill climb when they step into the ring at Uncensored.
Mr. Bischoff, the Nitro ratings couldn't have been any higher, yet many
online fans are complaining about how boring the show has gotten within
the last month-- Are you going to add any new ideas to the show?
I think a lot of times online fans like to echo each other's opinions,
and they sometimes echo opinions that are in contrast to the opinions of
the masses so they feel like smarter 'insiders'. The fact is the
formula we have initiated for NITRO has proven to be successful week
after week after week. While we always strive to make improvements, we
feel we have a winning formula and we aren't inclined to fix something
that is not broken.
Eric, thanks again for joining us! Tell me the thinking behind the
Roddy Piper segment last week when you had virtual unknowns and John
Tenta go out. Wouldn't this have been a good time to reintroduce Ed
Leslie and The Nasty Boys?
You would have to ask Roddy Piper what the thinking was at that point.
I had little or nothing to do with that decision.
When is WCW going to have a Nitro or houseshow in Los Angeles
California? You
haven't been out to LA in 3 to 5 years and we would like to see some WCW
action again.
I believe we'll be at the Great Western Forum in June for a house show.
NITRO has ended promptly at 10pm Eastern the last two weeks. At
the same time, Robin Hood has lost in the ratings both weeks. Are
you getting pressure from TNT to do run over to boost Robin Hood's
No. NITRO actually went off at 10:03 last week. We aren't under any
pressure to
change anything that we do as relates to Robin Hood.
If Steve Austin was available and not currently under contract with
the WWF, would you attempt to sign him?
Steve Austin is a talented individual. Provided he was healthy and
available to negotiate, we would be willing to talk to Steve.
When will we see Sting finally wrestle ?
That's up to Sting.
eric, In the first few weeks of the NWO, everytime they would come into
the ring, the fans would throw stuff (BEER CANS) into the ring. Were you
or anyone else edvery scared for your safety? And do you now stop the
fans from throwing things into the ring, caz' it seems like they don't
do it nymore
That's a very good question. We were never concerned for our safety.
We are, however, concerned for the safety of people sitting at
ringside. While people may want to throw empty cups, some fans were
throwing things that were becoming more dangerous. They were missing
people in the ring and were hitting people at ringside. Because of
that, we are sending additional security into the area to prevent fans
from throwing things into the ring.
How do you feel about the ECW invasion that happened to the WWF on Raw
and what
do you think of ECW in general?
As I said earlier, I think the ECW/WWF relationship is the biggest
threat to WCW's
number 1 position to date. It's the one thing that Vince McMahon has
done right in the last 12 months. Time will tell just how big a benefit
it will be to the WWF.
Has a decision been made regarding the possible new show on TBS? If
so, what night will it air, and what will the format be?
We haven't really had anymore discussions about the show, and we
probably won't have anymore until after we see what the NFL, NBA and
Major League Baseball schedules will be for the next year. Once that
happens, we will make a decision as to which night works best and then
discuss a format.
: What do you have to say to people who say the only reason you
signed Dennis
Rodman is because the WWF wanted him?
Bite me.
Eric, in addition to firing the referees, did you also fire the common
sense department? The Piper angle is one of the worst I've ever seen. A
swimming pool match? That'll probably be worse than I think it will be.
And Dennis Rodman? That's just D-U-M-B.
Then do yourself a favor...Watch RAW Monday Night.
Eric - With all your cruiserweights is there any chance to bring back a
scaffold match to WCW?
No, I've always hated those kinds of matches. Those kind of gimmick
matches only
appeal to a small segment of the audience. It's much more a negative
than a positive.
Eric, do you know when Kevin Greene will be coming to WCW, in the
spring, summer,
fall, or when, if he is indeed coming back?
Kevin called me last night while I was out of town. I will be talking
to Kevin, probably tomorrow and will be able to answer that question in
greater detail Monday or Tuesday.
Eric, how do you feel about Steve Austin? Don't you agree that he has
the biggest impact on the WWF?
He's the only impact in the WWF. He's got a great haircut, he can
interview, and is probably the most physically talented individual on
their roster.
When will Mr. Perfect show up in WCW???
As soon as he is legally able to.
Bob recently stated that Steve Austin and Goldusts contracts would be up
in the coming months, Do you have any interests in Austin of Dustin? if
not, why?
As stated earlier. If Steve Austin was healthy and legally able to talk
to WCW, we would like to talk to him. The same holds true for Dustin
The number of notes (both positive and negative) on the WFS bb on
prodigy has swung greatly away from WCW recently. Are you concerned
with the lack of interest (caused by some lame Nitros)?
No. The fact is, our ratings are holding up. Our PPV buy rates are
holding up. Arena attendance is at an all time high. Merchandise is at
an all time high. There is more international interest in WCW than at
any time in our history. All indicators are incredibly positive, so I
have no reason to second guess anything that is going on.
Have you had any discussions with Dan Severn about joining WCW and what
do you
think of him?
I've met with Dan Severn a couple of times in the past year. He's a
gentleman and a professional. I wish him the best, but at this time I
don't see any potential relationship between Dan Severn and WCW.
When can we look forward to Ric Flair and Arn Anderson getting back into
the ring, so we can stop watching the almost unbearable Horsemen Light
soap opera between Mongo and Jeff Jarrett?
The last I had heard, Ric will be able to wrestle again in May. Arn
Anderson will undergo surgery soon and will be out 3-4 months. He has
vertebra in his neck that needs to be fused.
Have you considered branching into UFC type PPV's to develop a pool of
new name
talent? Not to mention additional cash flow.
No. It's much too controversial of an area. Take a look at UFC being
banned in several states and there seems to be quite a bit of momentum
against them. While I may not agree with that logic, the fact is I
can't afford to invest time and money developing something that someone
else could pull the plug on overnight.
I believe that the WCW has really pked up an excellen referee, I'm
referring to your new hire Mickey J. I've seen him referee many maches
in Florida and Tennessee, who's idea was it to bring him into the WCW ?
I'm not really sure. I think he just contacted the booking office and
let them know he was available and they started booking him.
Eric, two part question: 1. How much wrestling, other than WCW product,
do you get to watch on tape both from here and Japan? 2. What stars
not currently signed to WCW would you like to bring in, if possible?
I watch as much WWF as my stomach will bear. I watch about once a month
tapes from New Japan. Every now and then when I have the time, I will
take a look at ECW tapes. There is really no one person out there that
I'd like to have in WCW, although there are a number of people out there
that if they were available, I'd like to have. I'd rather not name them
so I don't jeopardize their relationship with people they currently work
Now that Medusa and Luna are in the WCW, does this mean we can see them
along with
Jacqueline fighting for the lady's title?
I would assume that would happen in the near future.
Eric, how far down the line until a Sting vs Hollywood Hogan World Title
Right now, they both are a part of the NWO. Our philosophy is to not
compete amongst ourselves, so it's unlikely you will see that match
anytime in the future.
If WCW/Turner has such an aversion to showing blood during matches, why
do they
apparently not have a problem with their workers appearing with naked
women in
That's a pretty stupid analogy, quite frankly. Number 1, Turner does
have a policy about showing blood on it's networks. Number 2, the
publication that you are referring to is not a Turner publication.
Number 3, individuals under contract to WCW are independent contractors,
not indentured servents. We can only control what they do when they are
working for WCW.
It would be a little bit like AT&T being upset with one of their
employees who happened to frequent a restaurant or nightclub that AT&T
doesn't approve of. There is only so much control we have over
independent contractors. We only exercise that control over our
wrestling product.
Eric - Has Vern Gagne's name crossed your mind as a fit for WCW (he's
about the right age to be an NWO member)? How about Moolah?
As a matter of fact, when his name crosses my's only because
of the amount of respect and gratitude I have for him as an individual
as someone who not only gave me an opportunity to break into this
industry, but also someone who had a tremendous impact on the industry
today. Many of the tap talents in this country owe a debt of gratitude
to Verne, including Shawn Michaels who got his first real break in the
business with the AWA, Curt Hennig, Ric Flair, and too many other top
to name here. So, with all due respect to your stupid comment...I do
think of Verne Gagne often, and only with the greatest respect and best
wishes for himself and his family.
Forgive me if you've answered this one before, but what is the exact
problem the WCW has with the Ultimate Warrior? He would be a great fan
It's not that we would have a problem signing him, assuming he would
want to be
associated with WCW. After having talked with Jim Helwig approximately
a year and a half ago, it's my feeling that he is not committed to a
full time wrestling career, or for that matter to a part time wrestling
career. He has several other outside interests that he is interested
in. Quite frankly, I don't think he could or would make the kind of
committment necessary for WCW and Jim Helwig to have a mutually
beneficial relationship.
Are Mortis-Adam Bomb-Bryan Clarke all the same?
Your portrayal as a heartless corporate head has been stupendous, but,
can you tell us how Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson is doing?
He weighs 15 pounds more than he did 2 weeks ago, so evidently he is
still able to shop for groceries. I did notice he has more of a suntan
than the last time I saw him. He must be spending time on the pond
behind his house fishing for bass. All in all he must be doing ok.
Why did not Ted Turner want to do the firing spot on Nitro? It seemed to
lack luster because the fans only really knew one man higher then the
Executive VP.
Number 1, Ted Turner was out of town...and is one of my closest personal
friends, who I'm sure is thoroughly enjoying the success that I created
for WCW and the NWO. As I stated earlier, Schiller came out to flex his
corporate muscle and to grandstand in front of the Turner executives in
attendance at the Omni. If Schiller could have fired me, he would have,
so he chose to invoke some kind of ridiculous suspension. That
suspension will be lifted, and I'll continue to go about my business.
Eric, Software companies have beta testers to help debug software. Have
you considered recruiting come talented online wrestling fans to suggest
story lines?
Actually, online fans do suggest storylines...they just don't know it.
I monitor the internet on a semi regular basis. Some of what I read has
a tendency to shape the direction of some of the things that we do.
Eric, do you feel that Piper's choice of team members will help increase
the buyrate at UnCensored?
Only for those people who want to watch Roddy Piper get his tail kicked.
Mr. Bischoff, as Dusty Rhodes has long been affiliated with WCW, why
hasn't there been a successful negotiation to bring Dustin back to WCW
? What type of hold does WWF have on him ?
To the best of my knowledge is the current agreement that Dustin Rhodes
is working
under, and as I stated earlier...if he is healthy and legally free to
negotiate, we'd be more than willing to talk to him. Dustin Rhodes may
not want to come to WCW, he may be very happy where he is. I couldn't
imagine it, but maybe...
How about a ppv from Hawaii, get visuals and a reward to the wrestlers?
Are the Francis family still in wrestling?
I'm not sure if the Francis family is still in Wrestling or not. We are
considering a PPV from Hawaii maybe by the end of 1997.
Eric, I think WCW missed the boat when they dropped out of NASCAR
racing, there are some good teams that could use the sponsorship.
Besides, NASCAR is a great visibility tool, has Turner/Time Warner/WCW
considered returning as a NASCAR sponsor?
WCW is involved with Nascar. We have signed a deal with Kyle Petty as
our driver.
Kyle was supposed to be racing the NWO car in Atlanta this weekend, but
unfortunately he blew an engine. We will have a prominent presense on
the Busch series of Nascar throughout 1997.
ERIC - did the fact that the WWF was pursuing Dennis Rodman, make it a
priority to sign him yourself???
No, not at all. While I'm sure Vince McMahon will try to create the
perception that was the case, because as we know Vince McMahon believes
perception is reality...the fact is that Dennis Rodman was associated
with WCW over 2 years ago and has been a friend of Hulk Hogan's for a
long time. That really had nothing to do with Vince McMahon's
perception of reality, that's just reality. Just like what happens to
Vince McMahon every Monday night between 8 and 10. That's reality too.
At what point would WCW consider having a "Ric Flair Retirement Tour?"
After all, the guy is nearly 50 and there can't be much more left in him
that hasn't already been done.
That's a good question. Everytime someone tries to put Ric Flair out to
pasture, so to speak....Ric Flair comes back to prove that Ric Flair is
still a major player in this industry. Despite his age, Ric Flair still
has a lot of fans who like to see him wrestle and hear his
interviews...and still enjoy the impact he has. As long as that's the
case, from my point of view, Ric Flair will remain a part of WCW as long
as Ric Flair wants to, and as long as the fans want him to.
If you were unsuccessful at an attempt to buy New Japan, how much money
would it take for you to operate on your own----more or less than a
I believe it would probably cost less money to run opposition to New
Japan Pro Wrestling than it would be for an out right buy/buy inn to New
Japan. The risks would be much greater and the opportunity for success
much slimmer. That's why I would prefer to buy into the organization or
to buy it outright.
How vulnerable do you think Vince McMahon is to being forced to go to a
more well-
heeled company (a Rupert Murdoch, or the USA Network's parent companies
themselves, i.e.) to financially be able to stay in the market with
you? Realistically, this has to be more than a possibility.
I have no first hand knowledge of Vince McMahon's current financial
condition. Like the rest of us, I only know what I hear. One would
have to think given all the cutbacks we heard about last year, up to and
including water coolers and massive personnel departures...that there
must be some serious streamlining taking place. Beyond what we hear in
the media and from people who have worked with them during the past
12-24 months, we really don't know what his current situation is. We
have to
believe he will do everything in his power to shore up his company to
face what is clearly the most competive environment he has ever had to
That's all the time I have tonight. Thanks for all the great
questions. We'll do this again